Solving the inner-city last mile (average travel time 8-10 minutes at a speed of 10 mph) challenges generates a booming and lively “new” industry which evolved and led to new business models for mobility suppliers and aggregators. Solving congestion, pollution and parking problems with EV scooters, EV steps, EV bikes, outside inner-city parking solutions etc. Mostly Micro Mobility vehicles fit to serve one or two persons, at different kinds of paying or subscription models.
Great to have all these initiatives, but how to organize it in a way that your employee and you are happy? Loads of admin, new policies, new governance and continuously scanning new developments. A challenge or a nightmare? One city trying to solve the last mile by letting EV steps in, already ended up in a total nightmare, Paris is fed up with all the steps laying around the pavement ad random with 10+ stacked on a pile, literally barricades……….
Anyhow, we think these solutions can bring value to your mobility proposition for your employees. Need help? Let’s talk.
Robbert van Muyden | Director Connector Europe